About Us

About the movie
The Mikveh Movie touches on the most vulnerable and powerful experiences of the Jewish woman. Home-spun in the mystical city of Tsfat, the women who created this movie are wives, mothers and friends who strive to incorporate deep meaning, holiness and light into the details of their lives...

Elisheva Mirvis
Founding Director, Tsfat Mikveh Experience, Ma'ayan Chaim
Elisheva is a visionary educator, who has pioneered next generation of Mikveh inspiration and education. She is renown around the globe for establishing the Mikveh Experience in Tsfat, which has had a transformational impact on tens of thousands of Jewish women from all backgrounds. The Mikveh Movie is an artistic expression of many of themes and concepts she and her talented staff developed for the live workshops in Tsfat. She is the co-author of "Immerse: A spiritual and practical Guide to Mikveh." Elisheva holds a MA in Jewish Education from Yeshiva University and is the mother of nine.

Nechama Shulman
Founding Director, Be'erah
Nechama is a pioneer in Mikveh education and awareness. She is a devoted advocate for improving the aesthetic and spiritual conditions of Mikvehs in Israel. She established the site www.Mikve.net, containing a treasury of information about Mikveh's around the world. See is a registered nurse, Bodeket Tahara and the mother of five.